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What are the precautions for the use of explosion-proof fans

點擊次數:  更新時間:23/11/20 17:22:11 來源:m.zmaxhid.com關閉
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What are the precautions for the use of explosion-proof fans? If you want to know the words, let's see what the relevant people have to say.
1. Confirm whether the installation position of the fan meets the specifications to prevent the wind from blowing to flammable and explosive substances or personnel.
2. Before operating the explosion-proof fan, check whether there are people or obstacles around the fan to avoid accidents.
3. During use, the operating status of the fan should be checked regularly to ensure its normal operation.
4, pay attention to observe whether the vibration and noise of the fan is normal to prevent failure.
5, explosion-proof fan should be installed in a non-corrosive gas, and the ambient temperature does not exceed 60 ° C environment.
6. Clean and check the fan regularly to ensure its normal operation.
7, in the process of use, should be strictly in accordance with the product instructions for operation and maintenance.
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